О.А. Белобрыкина
O.A. Belobrykina
DOI: 10.38098/ipran.sep_2023_32_4_03

Ключевые слова: подросток, детско-родительские отношения, образ родителя, идеальный отец, идеальная мать, функционально-ролевые обязанности родителей.
Summary. The article discusses the problem of relationships between children and parents, specific to the teenage period of childhood. An abstract socio-psychological characterization of the developmental features of a teenager affecting his interpersonal relationship with his parents is given. It is indicated that on the basis of the emerging reflection, a teenager begins to assess the actions of parents, their personal qualities, constructing his own vision of what parents should be. Under the influence of his own criticality, the teenager builds the image of those parents whom he would like to see next to him – «ideal parents». The identification of the image of the ideal parent – father and mother – was devoted to a real study. The results are presented, indicating that in the perception of a modern teenager, the «ideal parent» is a person with such characteristics as: kind, intelligent, understanding, caring, loving, cheerful, economic, beautiful, responsive, strict, without bad habits, generous, modern. The ideal mother in the view of adolescents is kind, understanding, smart, economic, beautiful, loving, caring, responsive, funny, affectionate. In the image of an ideal father, teenagers consider the main qualities: kind, smart, cheerful, strong, caring, understanding, responsive, loving, strict, beautiful. It was revealed that when designating the functional and role duties of men and women in family relations, their partial inversion is observed - the image of the mother is attributed to the qualities inherent in men, and the image of the father is characteristic of women. Statistical analysis of the indicators of images of an ideal father and mother with the parameters of the method «Adolescents about parents» gives reason to believe that the characteristics presented in the ideal images of each parent are a compensatory mechanism of lack or negative valence of certain qualities, emotions, etc., in the relationship of parents to adolescents. The results obtained will allow the specialist to outline an algorithm for working with children and their parents to normalize child-parental relations, develop and implement recommendations for specialists in helping professions to create programs to form a positive image of parents in adolescence.
Keywords: teenager, child-parent relationship, parent image, ideal father, ideal mother, functional-role duties of parents.