Scientific directions

1. Current state and tendencies of development of social psychology: problems of development of the socio-psychological theory, system of concepts, methods, experiment; social psychology in the system of modern psychology and socio-humanitarian sciences; relevant problems of interaction of socio-psychological science and practice; traditions and innovations in foreign socio-psychological studies.
2. Social psychology and society: acute, current and actual problems of modern society, society dnd modern science, public scienc, problems of globalisation and global science, digital, informational and network society.
3. Psychology of social representations: psychology of individual and collective representations, psychological problems of a ratio public, including ordinary, consciousness and social reality; social representations and knowledge, historical and collective memory; social representations and regulation of behavior; psychology of social justice.
4. Psychology of the relations and communication: psychological relations of individual and group subjects; psychology of the interpersonal relations; psychology of the competition and partnership, communication psychology, psychology of trust and mistrust; psychological perspective of the conflicts and negotiations.
5. Social psychology of the personality: social identity and moral self-determination in the modern world; social and psychological studies of values and norms of the modern personality; personality and mentality of the people; psychology of gender distinctions, existential problems of the modern personality, personality and new social conditions, social and psychological capital of the personality.
6. Psychology of large groups: classic psychological problems of large groups and it's problems on the modern step of society development.
7. Psychology of small groups: psychological problems of small business, organizational culture, team psychology; family psychology; friendship psychology; psychology of labor and educational groups.
8. Psychology of the mass phenomena and communications: psychology of big social groups and intergroup relations; psychological studies of mentality; psychological problems of society in the conditions of the civil conflicts, wars and terrorist attacks; psychology of patriotism and spiritual and moral consolidation; corruption psychology; psychological problems of media in the modern world, problems of social networks, Internet technologies and Internet communications; psychology of mass actions and holidays, fashion psychology.
9. Economic psychology: psychology of business and entrepreneurships, psychology of the organization and management; problems of economic consciousness, socialization and self-determination in a new economic environment; psychology of consumer behavior, psychology investment, debt and other types of economic behavior; psychology of marketing communications, psychology of advertising, PR-technology and mass consumption, psychology of brands.
10. Political psychology: psychological problems of geopolitics and multipolar world; psychology of political leadership, psychology of the voter, problem of political communications and technologies; psychological problems of creation of civil society.
11. Ethno-psychology: psychology of ethnos and interethnic relations; mentality of the people; problems of national identity and ethnic stereotypes; ethno-psychological researches of tolerance and multiculturalism, psychological problems of migrants.
12. Social psychology of the city: social and psychological problems of an urbanization and megalopolis; a problem of quality of life and communication in the modern city.
13. Social psychology of labor and organization: problems of management and providing of joint activity, problems of quality of labor life, labor employment, resources and social self-realization of the professional, problem of career guidance and professional formation of the subject, socio-psychological aspects of organizational behavior and its regulation, socio-psychological problems of professional adaptation, a professional and new social conditions.
14. Cross-culture psychology: theory and methodology of cross-culture psychology; culture and social knowledge; values, attitudes and collective experiences in a cross-culture context; cross-culture methods of studies.
15. History of general and social psychology: analysis of sources of origin of socio-psychological knowledge; problem of a periodization of domestic and foreign social psychology; characteristic of the main stages of development of social psychology; a personnel and schools of sciences in social psychology.
16. Methods and techniques of a research in social and economic psychology: methodological problems of branch, development of new methodical tools, program of researches.