About us

Scientific e-JOURNAL "Institute of psychology Russian Academy of Sciences. Social and economic psychology" founded by Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences for distributing the results of the fundamental and applied studies.
Scientific e-JOURNAL "Institute of psychology Russian Academy of Sciences. Social and economic psychology" is published by Federal state-financed establishment of science Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Policy of the e-JOURNAL:
The e-JOURNAL intends to maintain the high standards of scientific research and their presentation put in works of the famous scientists, such as K.A. Abulkhanova, L.I. Antsyferov, V.A. Bodrov, B.F. Lomov, K.K. Platonov, S.K. Roshchin, E.V. Shorokhova, etc. who created scientific reputation to Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
The e-JOURNAL addressed to professionals, post-graduates, and students.
The frequency of the publication: 4 issues a year.
The form of periodic distribution: the e-JOURNAL is online media; the website address is – www.soc-econom-psychology.ru (in printed way it does not extend).
The languages of publications are Russian and English.
Place of the edition: Moscow, Russian Federation; the territory of distribution: Russian Federation, foreign countries.
Access to the publication and text of papers: publications for authors are free, access to full versions of papers for readers also are open and free using the Internet, full versions of papers are available as to reading, and listing in a e-JOURNAL format with headlines.
Reproduction of materials of the e-JOURNAL in any kinds of editions is possible only with the permission. The papers published in the e-JOURNAL can be used just for personal non-commercial purposes. When citing materials of the e-JOURNAL the reference to the source with the indication of the network address of the http://soc-econom-psychology.ru magazine according to GOST P 7.0.5-2008 is obligatory.
Reviewing: the e-JOURNAL carries out reviewing of all manuscripts; the reviewers are the leading and recognized experts in the social psychology. In this regard, the manuscripts presented by Authors for the publication in the e-JOURNAL should conform to requirements of VAK to scientific periodicals (of 14.10.2008) and to requirements to the reviewed scientific publications for inclusion in the list of the reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of these for a degree of the candidate of science, for a degree of the doctor of science should be published (of 25.07.2014).
Specialization of the magazine: specialization in the existing list of professions of scientists corresponds to specialty 19.00.05 and 19.00.03 – "Social psychology" and "Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics".