Л.В. Куликов, Д.К. Петрова
L.V. Kulikov, D.K. Petrova
Аннотация. Проведено исследование чувственных характеристик взаимоотношений свекровей и невестокс использованием Авторской анкеты взаимоотношений свекровей и невесток и методики «Профиль чувств в отношениях» в Интернет-опросе. В исследовании приняли участие 109 женщин – 79 невесток и 30 свекровей. Обнаружено, что гедонические (связанные с удовольствием) чувства свекрови к невестке более выражены, чем чувства невестки к свекрови. У невесток в их отношениях со свекровями сильнее астенические чувства (чувства бессилия). Интеракционные (диспозиционные) чувства находятся в согласии с настроечными чувствами: чем благоприятнее настроечные чувства, тем сильнее сближающие и слабее удаляющие интеракционные чувства. Интеракционные чувства непосредственно связаны с характеристиками настроения субъекта и отношений с конкретным человеком. Низкому уровню настроения соответствует повышенный уровень удаляющих чувств и пониженный уровень сближающих чувств, и наоборот: высокому уровню настроения соответствует пониженный уровень удаляющих чувств и повышенный уровень сближающих чувств. Сделаны выводы о том, что в большинстве случаев свекрови в большей мере удовлетворены отношениями с невесткой, чем невестки со свекровями. Существует выраженная асимметрия в выраженности чувств: сближающие чувства свекровей (дружелюбие, уважение, добросердечие, уверенность, признательность, любовь, гордость, единство, собственная значимость) сильнее, чем у невесток, а удаляющие чувства у невесток (обида, ненависть, презрение, злоба, одиночество) сильнее, чем усвекровей.
Ключевые слова: семейные отношения, свойские отношения, свекровь и невестка, интеракционные чувства, межличностное взаимодействие, социальное восприятие.
Summary. The study of sensual characteristics of the relationship of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law with used to the Author's questionnaire of the ties of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law and techniques "A profile of feelings in the relations" in Internet poll conducted. 109 women – 79 daughters-in-law and 30 mothers-in-law participated in the research. Revealed that feelings connected with the pleasure of the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law, were more expressed, than feelings of the daughter-in-law to the mother-in-law. At daughters-in-law, in their relations with mothers-in-law, asthenic feelings (sense of powerlessness) were stronger. Interaction (dispositional) feelings were in consent with adjusting feelings: the adjusting feelings, the stronger pulling together were more favorable, and the deleting interaction feelings were weaker. Interaction feelings directly connected with characteristics of the mood of the subject and the relations with the specific person. To low level of mood there corresponded the increased level of the deleting feelings and the lowered level of the pulling together feelings and vice versa: to high level of mood there corresponds the reduced level of the deleting feelings and the increased level of the pulling together sensations. Conclusions were drawn that in most cases mothers-in-law were satisfied with the relations with the daughter-in-law to a large extent, than daughters-in-law with mothers-in-law. There was an expressed asymmetry in expressiveness of feelings: the pulling together feelings of mothers-in-law (friendliness, respect, good heartedness, confidence, appreciation, love, pride, unity, own importance) were stronger than at daughters-in-law, and the deleting feelings at daughters-in-law (offense, hatred, contempt, rage, loneliness) were stronger than at mothers-in-law.
Keywords: family relationships, emotional relationships, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, feelings, interpersonal interaction, social perception.
Ключевые слова: семейные отношения, свойские отношения, свекровь и невестка, интеракционные чувства, межличностное взаимодействие, социальное восприятие.
Summary. The study of sensual characteristics of the relationship of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law with used to the Author's questionnaire of the ties of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law and techniques "A profile of feelings in the relations" in Internet poll conducted. 109 women – 79 daughters-in-law and 30 mothers-in-law participated in the research. Revealed that feelings connected with the pleasure of the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law, were more expressed, than feelings of the daughter-in-law to the mother-in-law. At daughters-in-law, in their relations with mothers-in-law, asthenic feelings (sense of powerlessness) were stronger. Interaction (dispositional) feelings were in consent with adjusting feelings: the adjusting feelings, the stronger pulling together were more favorable, and the deleting interaction feelings were weaker. Interaction feelings directly connected with characteristics of the mood of the subject and the relations with the specific person. To low level of mood there corresponded the increased level of the deleting feelings and the lowered level of the pulling together feelings and vice versa: to high level of mood there corresponds the reduced level of the deleting feelings and the increased level of the pulling together sensations. Conclusions were drawn that in most cases mothers-in-law were satisfied with the relations with the daughter-in-law to a large extent, than daughters-in-law with mothers-in-law. There was an expressed asymmetry in expressiveness of feelings: the pulling together feelings of mothers-in-law (friendliness, respect, good heartedness, confidence, appreciation, love, pride, unity, own importance) were stronger than at daughters-in-law, and the deleting feelings at daughters-in-law (offense, hatred, contempt, rage, loneliness) were stronger than at mothers-in-law.
Keywords: family relationships, emotional relationships, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, feelings, interpersonal interaction, social perception.