М.И. Воловикова, Н.Д. Елисеева
M.I. Volovikova, N.D. Eliseeva

Summary.The phenomenon and concept of “citizen science” was analyzed, its place, role and interaction with professional ruled science were discussed. Citizen science is an approach that has several advantages for the three beneficiaries of this process: science, society, the “citizen scientists” themselves and depends on the degree of involvement of them and the nature of the project. The forms of citizen science were described and the main stages of scientific research with the involvement of "citizen scientists" were highlighted. Much attention was paid to the possibilities and practices of using citizen science in socio-psychological research. It was shown that the implementation of citizen science has the following socio-psychological effects: all “citizen scientists” are genuine co-researchers; they are aware of the content, goals and objectives of the project in which they voluntarily participate; they understand their own role and place in research; they gain new knowledge for themselves in the field of science within the framework of which scientific work is being conducted, and finally gain new experience. The differences between citizen science and the traditional involvement of volunteers as respondents (subjects), which are characteristic of all social sciences and psychology as well were discussed. The examples of the using of citizen science in the study of children, adolescents and youth resilience in the framework of international socio-psychological projects were given. Using these examples, the authors give the content of the stages of the joint international project “Adolescent resilience in environmental and socio-economic challenges: a study in the framework of several systems” using representatives of citizen science. The project is being implemented in collaboration with psychologists from South Africa (Pretoria University), Chita (Transbaikal University), St. Petersburg (Herzen State Pedagogical University).
Keywords: citizen science, “citizen scientists”, human resilience, the adolescents and youth resilience, crowdsourcing in science.
Summary. The work was devoted to the study of the study of social representations (SR) about the «Yakut character» in groups of residents of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with different religious identities. 476 respondents from the northern, central and southern regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were asked to name the associations that arise in their words: “Characteristics of the people living in Yakutia. In addition, you had to indicate your gender, age, place of birth, ethnicity, religion (or atheism)”. The study was conducted in Russian and Yakut languages. By religious affiliation, three groups of respondents were distinguished: 105 Orthodox Christians (71 women, 34 men, average age 30 years), of which 61 were Russians, 32 were Sakha (Yakut name), 2 Evens, 1 Evenk, 1 Belarusian, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Khakas and 6 people called themselves "cosmopolitan"; 312 believers in Aiyy (194 women, 118 men, average age 30 years), of which 292 Sakha, 1 Buryats, 2 Dolgans, 2 Evens, 11 Evenks, 2 Sakhalars and 2 “cosmopolitan”; 59 atheists (42 women, 17 men, average age 33 years) 46 Sakha, 9 Russians, 2 Evenks, 1 Georgian and 1 “cosmopolitan”. To identify the structure of the joint venture about the "Yakut character" (the basis of the Yakut mentality), the obtained associations were processed using the P. Verges method. It is shown that the joint venture about the "Yakut character" differs in different groups professed by faith, but they have much in common. The core of the joint venture in all groups does not contain negative elements and among these elements there is an association “hardy” - a character trait necessary in the harsh climatic conditions of the Republic. The most positive and detailed ideas about the nature of people living in Yakutia were found among believers in Aiyy and among atheists. Orthodox views turned out to be poorer in the number of elements and partly negative. An interpretation of the results is given.
Keywords: «Yakut character», mentality, religious identity, ethnos, Orthodoxy, faith in Aiyy, atheism, Sakha, social representations.